Enjoy life to the full …

Our guests have a special philosophy for a relaxing holiday. Good food, select wines and a lot of movement. As a result their zest for life and serenity are increased and their wellbeing is reinforced.

Our gourmet dishes are carefully prepared: in our kitchen nothing is artificial, we cook in a traditional way with modern refinement. Our menus are a composition of local products, seasonal ingredients and traditional recipes.

Also our wine list is well balanced. South Tyrol is known to be a big wine area. This is where wines are produced by winegrowers who are committed to their terroir. The wines are produced in many small and middle-sized wine cellars and aren’t fashionable wines but authentic wines with an independent character and the distinct influence of the respective cellar master. You can find them on our wine list.

Movement is the joie de vivre. And we offer the best prerequisites: take a walk in the Dolomites, a UNESCO World Heritage site, on the Rosengarten or the Schlern, the Drei Zinnen or in the Fleimstal Alps. Bikers can appreciate this as much as bathing beauties and mountain fairies.
Here at our place sport turns into a real delight.

The new solar heated outdoor pool is embedded in a green oasis and offers ample room for a profound recovery.